Monday, April 14, 2014

Extra Revenue Provides Options to Beef Cattle Producers

In the recent years producers have had to cut back as much as possible on expenses related to their beef cattle herd in order to stay a float but this year is different. This year revenues have increased enough and some expenses(feed) have went down to where producers are able to try new things with their herd that might help them out in the future. According to Eldon Cole, a University of Missouri livestock specialist, I'd recommend visiting with your veterinarian, feed dealer and extension livestock specialist to assess what you might do this year to make a good year, even better. He also states it is important to still compare the cost/benefit side of the equation and decide if that is what's best for your operation.

A.I. breeding box
You may be asking what types of changes or new things you can do or try as a producer to help your operation and the first thing that comes to my mind is enhancing your genetics. Something that is becoming quite popular with producers in the Midwest is artificial insemination and by doing this you are able to select from the top bull genetics in the United States to artificially breed your cows. This approach can become expensive by the time you buy straws, the semen and put in the time to breed the cattle but with an increase in revenue this expense can pay off when selling the progeny of these genetics and keeping replacement heifers for your future herd.

Horn fly chart
The next change or new thing a producer can do is to try out some of the new mineral options that are available for your herd. One of the new options I hear local producers talking about is having the Altosid IGR fly control in their mineral with brands such as Kent and Purina. With this product the cow consumes the mineral and it goes through their system and out into the manure where the fly lays it eggs the larvae never develops into a mature fly. Even though this mineral is a bit more expensive the benefits of  a fewer fly population is increased performance in cattle and provides your cattle with more overall comfort which are both factors that can cost a producer a considerable about of money. A few other things a producer might do with extra revenues this year is too look into new types of medicine for their beef cattle or alternative feeds options to keep their cattle in good condition.

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